Yaka Jackfruit tree seeds (Artocarpus heterophyllus) - 1 pound
Yaka tree seeds (Artocarpus heterophyllus)
Package with 1 pound (454 grms.) Fresh for planting
The Yaca tree belongs to the Moraceae family, it is characteristic of Asia but it is found distributed throughout several tropical countries such as Brazil and Jamaica, it develops better in warm climates. The fruit of this tree is considered the largest in the world. It has a strong smell and a palatable flavor similar to mango.
It is a long-lived perennial tree, easy to grow in a wide range of ecological conditions with minimal care. The trees reach the necessary development after three or four years, by producing a fruit rich in starch and carbohydrates.
The jackfruit is rich in vitamins B1, niacin, calcium, iron, folic acid, ascorbic acid, potassium and favorable proteins for the body.
An infusion of the leaves, applied as drops to the eyes or ears, helps to cure infections such as conjunctivitis and otitis.
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