Bitter Orange Tree Seeds (Citrus Aurantium) - Pack with 40 pieces
Bitter Orange Tree Seeds (Citrus Aurantium)
Package with 40 fresh seeds to sow, collected this season.
The sour orange tree is native to Asia, but in Yucatán, Mexico, it is cultivated everywhere, although agricultural spaces are not used for formal cultivation, since the production is backyard.
Sour orange is a traditional Yucatan crop, a basic ingredient for the production of cochinita pibil, escabeche, mechado, stew and other delicacies that characterize the typical diet of this region.
It is produced on any type of soil for its impressive adaptability, just imagine! the Yucatecan soil is mainly flagstone, stone. The tree is very resistant to pests and diseases.
When growing, the tree provides ample shade
Sour orange is the most fragrant of the 15 citrus species
The juice relieves hives caused by fly bites.
The medicinal properties of sour orange are very numerous, especially the peel. It is useful to help burn excess body fat and lose weight, without affecting the muscles, as it speeds up the metabolism. It is also used to cure respiratory diseases, colds, insomnia, colitis, constipation, kidney and liver failure, strengthen blood vessels, eliminate intestinal parasites and tumors, prevent cancer. It is recommended to moderate its use if you suffer from high blood pressure and during pregnancy.
Thanks for reforesting!