Almond tree seeds (Terminalia catappa) - Pack with 10 pieces
Almond tree seeds (Terminalia catappa)
Package with 10 seeds to sow recently collected
The malabar almond, almond tree of the tropics, almendrón, false kamani or egombegombe (Terminalia catappa) is a large tropical tree, within the family of Combretáceas. The origin of the tree is in dispute, it can come from India or the Malay Peninsula or New Guinea.
It develops to a wingspan of 35 m, with a crown of symmetrical horizontal branches directed upwards. When the tree ages, the crown of branches flattens, until it forms a kind of vase.
Terminalia catappa is widely cultivated in tropical regions of the planet as an ornamental tree, due to the dense shade that its leaves provide. The fruit is edible, with a slightly acid taste.
The wood is red, solid and very resistant to water; It is used in Polynesia to make canoes.
The leaves contain various flavonoids (such as kaempferol or quercetin), various tannins (such as punicalin, punicalagin or tercatin), saponins and phytosterols. Due to its richness in active principles, the leaves (and even the bark) are used in various traditional medicines for different purposes. For example, in Taiwan the shed leaves of the tree are used as an herb to treat liver disease.
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