White Cedar Teotlate (Cupressus lindleyii) - 50 000 pieces pack
White Cedar Teotlate (Cupressus lindleyii)
Package with 50,000 seeds or more 200 grms. freshly picked this season
Tree up to 30 m tall, with a straight trunk with very cracked light gray bark. Pyramidal crown and permanent foliage. Tiny leaves, 2 mm scales interspersed in groups of 4, pointed and bluish green. Female cones are green to brown, up to 2 cm and with 10 thick and rough scales that open when ripe, male 3 to 4 yellowish. Male and female occur on the same tree. Pollinated by the wind. The male cones appear from February to April and the female ones are permanent and mature the following year.
Tiny reddish brown triangular seeds. Originally from Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala. It lives in temperate forests and cloud forests. It is used as a windbreaker and medicinal barrier. Cupressus is the Latin name of the cypress, probably derived from Cyprus (Cyprus) where the cypress trees originated. Lusitanica comes from the old name for Portugal and part of Spain.
Subject to special protection in the Mexican regulation of species at risk. In Mexican cities also live the Oregon False Cypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana), the Monterrey Cypress or Lemon Cedar (Cupressus macrocarpa), the Sierra Cypress (C. arizonica) and the Mediterranean Cypress (C. sempervirens). We are at your service to answer any questions.