Exotic Melon Seeds - Pack with 20 pieces
Exotic Melon Seeds
Package with 20 seeds just collected this season.
The ‘Piel de Sapo’, which is a summer melon, with a thin, green rind and dark spots, its pulp is white-yellowish, not very aromatic but very tasty and very sweet. It is also known as a Spanish melon and may have been introduced to Spain by the Arabs.
Usually each piece can weigh between 1.5 and 3 kgs.
In the last half century it must be the most cultivated on the Spanish Mediterranean coast and in Castilla La Mancha. Green with dark spots, like the skin of a toad.
Oval in shape and somewhat rough skin. The new varieties, the new hybrids of this type of melons, are the most cultivated in Spain and have different degrees of writing on the skin.
Gourmets prefer them with consistent meat, somewhat crunchy, white and sweet. There is some interest on the part of some greengrocers in smaller selections, below 2 kilos.
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